WR90 Standard Gain Waveguide Horn Antenna, 8.2 to 12.4GHz, 15dbi, SMA-Female connector, UBR Flange
定於 3 月 24 日正式推出的《惡靈古堡 4 重製版》(Resident Evil 4 Remake)已經在 PlayStation 5、PS4、Xbox Series X/S 和 Steam 上開放了免費試玩。玩家現在能體驗的「Chainsaw Demo」發生在遊戲初期,裡面包含了 Leon 進入西班牙某村落的內容。根據網上的一些回饋,《重製版》的畫面有了明顯提升,同時整體的難度也上升了許多。想要依靠過去的經驗似乎不太可行,遊玩感受的分別還是頗為明顯的。
Capcom 沒有給這個體驗版設置時限,感興趣的朋友趕快去試一下吧。
Roost to Condor One.
The #ResidentEvil4 demo has landed! Agents are encouraged to play as long as they want and as many times as they want to prepare for Resident Evil 4 when it launches March 24th, 2023. 🌿 pic.twitter.com/uex8oprYrC— Resident Evil (@RE_Games) March 9, 2023
WR90 Standard Gain Waveguide Horn Antenna, 8.2 to 12.4GHz, 15dbi, SMA-Female connector, UBR Flange
文章出自: https://tw.news.yahoo.com/%E6%83%A1%E9%9D%88%E5%8F%A4%E5%A0%A1-4-%E9%87%8D%E8%A3%BD%E7%89%88-%E5%B7%
- WR90 Standard Gain Waveguide Horn Antenna, 8.2 to 12.4GHz, 15dbi, SMA-Female connector, UBR Flange
- EMI/EMC testing, direction finding, surveillance, and antenna gain measurements.
- Calibration devices that measure the gain of other antennas